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A Case Study on Ikenobo > Chapter 1: Introduction

This thesis is dedicated to...

People who wish to bring true peace to this world,

The Japanese people, who have created and possess such a great culture,

All living things.

We are all one.

Mari Katsui

Can Japanese Culture Contribute to Sustainability for Peace? A Case Study on Ikenobo

Chapter 1: Introduction

Purpose and Aims of this Project

More than 70 years have passed since World War II ended.

During these 70 years Japan has not experienced any wars.

No Japanese person has been directly killed, nor has any Japanese killed another person, because of a war.

This is something we should be proud of.

Japan has its own unique character. We have the largest number of long-lasting organizations in the world, including the world's longest–established company.

The purpose of this research project is to study Japan's unique sustainability, to identify the foundation that lies beneath it, and to explore how it can be applied to the quest for world peace.

A second and related purpose is to promote self-esteem and awareness in the Japanese people so that we can actively contribute to peace using

our unique national culture.

This core of this research is an investigation of the sources of Japanese sustainability, through study of Japanese culture, study of long–established companies, and a case study of the Japanese flower arrangement school Ikenobo, which was founded in the year 587AD.

Significance of the Study

This study explores an area that has not been the subject of many papers, books, or research investigations: the connections between Japanese culture, sustainability, and sustainable peace.

It is hoped that the study will contribute to achieving long-lasting world peace.

to be continued...


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