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A Case Study on Ikenobo > Chapter 2: Research Methodology-1

This thesis is dedicated to...

People who wish to bring true peace to this world,

The Japanese people, who have created and possess such a great culture,

All living things.

We are all one.

Mari Katsui

Can Japanese Culture Contribute to Sustainability for Peace? A Case Study on Ikenobo

Chapter 2: Research Methodology

Background of Research Question

Much research has been done and many books and articles have been written about Japan: its history, society, culture, and arts. Much research has also been done and many books and articles have been written about peace, and the world's quest for sustainable peace.

This research project brings together research and writings from these two broad areas of study, based on the author's strong belief that Japan and the Japanese people can make a valuable and unique contribution to mankind's quest for sustainable peace.

Why do I believe that Japan can make a valuable and unique contribution to the search for peace?


Japan today is a symbol of peace, because of the famous Article 9 of its " Peace Constitution," because the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the first victims of the use of nuclear weapons in war, and because for the past 72 years, since the end of World War II, Japan has not experienced or participated in any wars.


it is not only today's Japan that is peaceful.

Throughout our long history there have been very significant and long periods of time when Japan was at peace and had no wars, including the ancient Jomon period and the 260-plus years of the Edo Period (until Westernization started in 1868).


what the world needs is not just peace, but sustainable peace, and sustainability is something that is prominent in Japanese culture and history.

For example, Japan has more long-established companies and organizations than any other country in the world, by far.

One of these is the flower arrangement school Ikenobo, which has been in existence for over 1,000 years and thrives today.

These three features make Japan unique, and because all of them are related to sustainable peace, they lead to this study's research question.

to be continued...


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